The holes reach 5" deep into the tombstone. We do not supply the stakes because ground conditions determine what kind of fastener will work best for you.
Insert 3/8" rebar or wood dowels into the ground with a hammer making sure the distance between the dowels is the same as the holes in the tombstone.
When choosing between rebar and wood dowels, consider the type of soil you have. At our house, we have thick clay and use rebar because the wood dowels simply split apart if we try to hammer them into our dirt.
Then, simply slide your base (if you have one) and tombstone over the dowels!
With our placement mechanism, you can get creative and fancy with the positioning of your tombstones. You can make them uneven and cause the stone to lean to one side as though it has been uprooted over time by the shifting earth. Lean them forward, lean them back - anything you can think of.
Questions? Don't hesitate to ask! hauntersunite@gmail.com
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