Tuesday, April 9, 2013
We Love Halloween!
Our slogan is "We Dream in Halloween" because we really do!
Growing up in small-town rural California, Halloween was about pumpkin guts fights with your best friends, home-made costumes and as much candy as you could get your hands on. Somehow Halloween has morphed into an obsession for me, which I have dragged my husband, Ben, into. But, truth be told, without Ben I wouldn't have an obsession. Although my imagination conjures up images of burnt bodies rotating on spits over an open fire as appropriate holiday decor, my artistic ability lags far behind. Ben, on the other hand, is a master artist happy to execute (quite literally when it comes to much of our Halloween adornment) my crazy ideas.
Now, with two kids and each of us running our own company, our Halloween time is diminished. While daydreaming about Halloween in March, I began to wonder why I couldn't buy decent tombstones. Well, why can't I? Why doesn't anybody sell these things? The answer it turns out is ... wait for it ... no reason at all! So, this Spring we have begun production of high quality tombstones for sale to the general Halloween loving public. Some will be realistic while others will be funny, but most importantly they will all look like you could find them in a graveyard, not a pop-up Halloween shop!
While our real passion resides with our yard haunt and edibles, this blog will be dedicated to all things Halloween from our favorite home projects, best internet sites for decorating and costume ideas to anything remotely connected with Halloween. While we build our website, keep in touch with our Blog and Facebook page. We'll update you on our progress and let you know when our product line is available for purchase. We're excited about our new venture and hope the Halloween community is too!
Ideas for tombstones? Send them our way at hauntersunite@gmail.com or through our website, just click on the image above.
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